It’s about People!
While the average company is laser focused on profit, our primary focus is on people. Our company exists because people have problems that can be solved with our products and the real-world application techniques developed by our people. During this symbiotic relationship we tend to form warm and personal friendships with the people we come into contact with. It’s not about one company working with another company. It’s about some people working with other people to solve problems for… you guessed it… people.
It’s about Capabilities!
Many companies in our industry promote themselves as formulators and manufacturers while they are simply marketing companies. They don’t employ chemists, have a laboratory, or even have a production facility. Wolverine Coatings is a formulator and manufacturer with a real laboratory and production facilities. We have Chemists and Engineers on our staff. Furthermore, our laboratory is filled with state of the art equipment.
It’s about Innovation!
We routinely develop new products to solve specific problems for our customers. We are problem solvers! Our Chemists are smart and efficient. Our development laboratory is packed with the right equipment to assist them in solving your problems. The new innovations that are created will not only solve your immediate problem but will be utilized in future ‘stock’ products.
It’s about Responsibility!
There are lots of areas of responsibility that companies talk about. Almost every company in our industry will say they are environmentally friendly. And, we are too. But, there are so many other ways to be responsible. We don’t see a lot of gray area in business. Our ‘Yes’ is our ‘Yes’ and our ‘No’ is our ‘No’. We keep our commitments. We return phone calls. If we say it, we’ll write it. In short, you won’t worry about trust. If you’re a contractor, it’s not always easy to become a customer of Wolverine Coatings. When you install our products you are installing our name. We are going to do our best to ensure that you are the type of installer that we would feel good about recommending to our friends.
It’s about Excellence!
Our people are constantly being challenged to reach higher. While other companies are striving to do a ‘good’ job we are shooting for ‘outstanding’. We believe that ‘good enough’ is rarely really good enough. Typically, ‘good enough’ is the justification for something that you know is sub-par. We want to be a great company and we know that the only time greatness comes is when people discipline themselves to set standards that are so high that others can not possibly have higher expectations.